ZA Textile | 101US - BCX 16 S MARZOLI Roving frames


101US - BCX 16 S MARZOLI Roving frames

Published by Admin at 11:54 AM under Rowing-frames

Machines available as a lot or as single items

08 BCX 16 S MARZOLI Roving frames

Year 1994/5

Feeding creel for cans of 24” x 45” ( 600 mm. x 1200 mm.)

Photocells in entry and exit

Drafting device SKF PK 1500

120  spindles each machine

3 over 3

Medium cradle SKF

Bottom rollers  bearing are SKF

Suspended Flyes

MURAO BOOKI top cleares device

Bobbin of  6” x 16” mm. ( 152,4 mm. x 406.6 mm.)

Integrated automatic doffing device


08 Aavelling cleanerSM MAGITEX Tr

Year 1994/5

Complete with rails ance central collection box


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