ZA Textile | 072US - Premier model HFT 9000 and Premier model Tensomax 7000Year


072US - Premier model HFT 9000 and Premier model Tensomax 7000Year

Published by Admin at 10:48 AM under Laboratory


Dear Sir,

We have machines available for sale :


N° 1 Premier model    HFT 9000   Year 2002

N° 1 Premier model    Tensomax 7000 Year 2002

1)       Availability of the machines:  immediately

2)      Location:  Italy   .

3)      If you  wish to reserve the machines, the deposit 20 % is necessary.  ..  TT 

Please  let me  know your comments on the  matter.

Best  regards




Tensomaxx7000.pdf (192,23 kb)

TENSOMAXX 7000 specifications.pdf (87,64 kb)


PREMIER TENSOMAXX 7000 ---1.jpg (136,54 kb)

PREMIER TENSOMAXX 7000 ---2.jpg (127,78 kb)

PREMIER TENSOMAXX 7000 ---3.jpg (144,66 kb)


HFT 9000

hft9000brochure.pdf (615,84 kb)


PREMIER HFT 9000 --2.jpg (128,32 kb)

PREMIER HFT 9000 ----.jpg (129,91 kb)

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