ZA Textile | 023US - SET KUESTERS MOD. 212.50 - 1800 CALANDER (TWO CYLINDERS)- WW 1800 - YEAR 1983


023US - SET KUESTERS MOD. 212.50 - 1800 CALANDER (TWO CYLINDERS)- WW 1800 - YEAR 1983

Published by Admin at 4:20 PM under Finishing machinery

Dear Sirs

we can offer as follows:

POS. 26 – 01 SET KUESTERS MOD. 212.50-1800 CALANDER (TWO CYLINDERS) - WW 1800 - YEAR 1983

here are more technical details:   
Working width 1800
Heating group cylinders HTT
CEIA metaldetector
Electrical board
Location ITALY – machine still erected in the mil.

EX WORKS PRICE: Euro 80.000,00

Machinery still erected in Italy.
More details and pictures on request.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Best regards



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HPIM1829.jpg (13,30 kb)

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